Saturday, April 26, 2014

Day is done, like the sun...

The last day of competition is both quick and slow--quick because 902A's matches in the morning were over in a flash; slow because it took seemingly forever to crown a world championship in each of the different competitions here. We came before 8 AM and left at 6 PM, and none of the champions had been named by that time. We checked the results during dinner on our VEX Via app, glad that we beat the restaurant rush that would hit a half an hour later.

Reflections: Today's slogan was, "Enjoy the day with 902A." We made up little bags of Jolly Ranchers to give to potential alliance partners and made sure everyone had their fun and game faces on. Winning both morning matches definitely would have improved the chances of being picked as an alliance partner, but even so, 902A was being seriously considered. That's nice. We ended up ranked 26th out of 76 teams in the Spirit Division, but it's not all about rank in this game. The alliance selections are all about who you know and how well you know them. The scouts worked diligently to establish these connections with the other teams, but they were competing with established ties that have been forged over years of competing with each other. When we weren't chosen, no one seemed too discouraged. Here's what's cool: After the responsibilities to the team were satisfied, so many of our team members went to volunteer their time to set up the fields for other matches. What a great group of kids.

Tomorrow morning before sunrise, we will board our PrimeTime Shuttles and be off to the airport to catch our early morning flight. We will definitely miss the 8th graders next year. They are a special group of people. Parents, be proud. See you tomorrow on the other coast!

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